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Interview tip: Send thank you emails

Quick Tip # 7 from The Gov Geeks: Send thank you emails following your interview. Make the true connection and be thankful for everything that went into the process. It's a big deal to land the interview - follow it up with sincere thanks and build your working relationships!

You've been careful to put your best foot forward since the start. Your resume was tailored, your interview was practiced and spot on. You've proven you're the right person for the job. Now finish strong with a thank you email to everyone you had contact with for the opportunity. Send individual emails to the interviewers and be sure to include insights unique to the questions they had or subjects you discussed.

A canned message sent to everyone won't cut it. We're going for a direct and meaningful connection here. They have your resumes, writing samples, and everything else you've provided. This doesn't need to be another lengthily document for them to read. Below are a few quick examples to get you started. Tailor them to your needs and be sure to be sincere in your words.

Also, and this is not only courteous but helpful, be sure to send a thank you message to any support staff that helped schedule your interview. They have a direct connection with hiring managers and can offer that key recommendation to help you edge out any competition. These messages aren't just great strategy to get the job, they're also just a really nice thing to do.

It takes a lot to recruit the right person. Everyone involved is invested, takes time away from other assignments, and has a particular stake in the outcome. In government, a person can rarely be dismissed easily or quickly. It's a big deal and takes great effort. Choosing the right person from the start is therefore of utmost importance. If you can demonstrate your technical and collaborative qualifications, you'll be a top contender for the position!

The importance and value of building relationships can't be understated. After all, these could be the people you'll be spending tons of hours with. Get started from the best point possible. Plus, even if you don't get the job, they can sit on other hiring panels and will remember you if you leave an impression. Be sure to make it a good one. You'll want them rooting for you from the start rather than marking you down!

Be sure to sign up for more strategies on professional development in the public sector at our website, We're here to help you make a difference in Public Service.

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